Lets talk about pride. Is pride bad? We can be proud of accomplishments, proud to be a citizen of the country in which we reside, proud of our loved ones for a variety of reasons. Pride can be a slippery slope and can lead to problems in a marriage. It is easy to identify pride in other people: self centeredness, conceit, and arrogance. I can think of lots of people who are prideful. Now let me ask you, do you see pride in yourself?
I have been thinking about this a lot this week and as I have been reading and pondering for my marriage class. I think that more often than not I am full of pride and I don't even know it or realize it.
President Ezra Taft Benson gave a conference address titled "Beware of Pride" (you can go read it here.)
In this talk he says:
"{pride} is manifest in so many ways, such as faultfinding, gossiping,
backbiting, murmuring, living beyond our means, envying, coveting,
withholding gratitude and praise that might lift another, and being unforgiving and jealous".
I think of many times in my life that I have let pride into my life. In fact it happens numerous times throughout the day, everyday! Now what does this have to do with marriage? EVERYTHING! Pride is an attitude, a way of thinking, a way of acting. Pride is when I know that my husband is doing something just to bother me. Pride is when I count all the things that I do for my husband when he does nothing for me in return. Pride is when I am in a bad mood and hold a grudge or give my husband the silent treatment. Pride is when I am focused on myself. How can a couple be on the same page if pride in the way? The truth is it can't. So, does this mean we are helpless? Are marriages doomed because we are all prideful beings?
Dr Wallace Goddard wrote a book called "Drawing Heaven into your Marriage." In this book he talks about how we can overcome pride in our marriage. He says,
Dr Wallace Goddard wrote a book called "Drawing Heaven into your Marriage." In this book he talks about how we can overcome pride in our marriage. He says,
I think it is also important that we be able to turn to our spouse and apologize to them for any wrong that we have caused them. Overcoming pride is a personal matter but marriage isn't. We have to be willing to forgive one another. I think that too is an important part of overcoming our pride. It isn't easy to do but it is necessary if we want to have happy and successful marriages.
memes found on pinterest
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