Friday, November 20, 2015

Love like Christ

Throughout my reading the books  
The Seven Principles for Making a Marriage Work 
 Drawing Heaven into your Marriage 
there seems to be one major principle that stands out to me.

Marriage is about loving your spouse as Christ loves. 

Christ loves without judgement, hate, or envy. He accepts all and forgives easily. He is the example of how we are to live our lives. Think about how amazing the world would be if we all were as perfect as He is. John Gottman, author of the seven principles, gives 7 principles to a happier marriage they are;
  1. Enhance your love maps (get to know each others likes, dislikes and dreams) 
  2. Nurture your fondness and admiration (always look for the good in one another) 
  3. Turn toward each other instead of away (lean on each other in the good times. When the bad times come it will be easier to get through it because you know you can count on your spouse.) 
  4. Let your partner influence you (make decisions that will affect your life together) 
  5. Solve your solvable problems (communicate with one another before the problem becomes unsolvable)
  6. Overcome gridlock (again communication) 
  7. Create shared meaning (create memories together, start your own traditions, build a life together)
I love this video. I think that it is applicable for marriage... 

What I learned and can apply to marriage is that to really be successful in integrating these principles you have to forgive and not judge. To love with Christ like love there is no room viewing each other through dirty windows. If we follow the example of the life that Christ lived then we will be happier and closer together as couples. It won't be perfect. Some days will be hard but the great thing is when we keep trying then we get a little bit better everyday. I know that God sent us here to be a part of families. Wallace Goddard, author of Drawing Heaven into your Marriage, said:
"Love first don't wait to be loved" 

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