Saturday, November 28, 2015

An ever growing problem: Pornography

About a year ago I discovered that a friend and co-worker of mine had been arrested for attempting to have sexual relations with a minor. I was in shock at this news. In my eyes he seemed to be happily married with 3 small children, a returned missionary and an active member of the church. He dreamed of being a pilot and was working toward this dream. He is funny, kind, caring, mild tempered and very sweet.
A couple of co-worker friends and I decided to go visit him in jail. During this visit my friend disclosed to me that he was in this mess because of an addiction to pornography. He told me that his addiction started out innocently but eventually grew into an obsession. A series of bad choices eventually lead to his arrest. His whole life came crashing before his eyes. He had not only ruined his life and dreams but also that of his wife and children's lives. My heart broke for my friend and the difficult road he had in front of him. 
Pornography is an ever growing problem. It tears families apart. I started to think about how I could safe guard my marriage and family from this. I searched and prayed and came upon this conference talk from sister Linda Reeves
The answer is a simple one; to safeguard my family I needed to keep my focus on Christ. 
Do the things that I know will protect me, read the scriptures, pray and hold FHE. 
I can keep myself and my family focused on the Savior. I can help safeguard us from the harmful effects of pornography.
I have since realized that I can also safeguard my marriage by following the principles that I have been talking about for the last month or so. Keeping the lines of communication with my husband open. Appreciating him, turning toward him, serving him, keeping the four horseman out of our lives, and always working to increase our love map. Being emotionally connected and involved with each other. Most importantly forgiving always. We have to be open and honest with our companions. Pornography is a real threat to families. Those who are in its grasp may feel hopeless. It is possible to get help.
If you or someone you know is trapped in pornography this website is a great tool in starting to get out and recover.

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